Operating from modern manufacturing facilities near Chesterfield, CBE+ offers a wide range of engineering services, including the sourcing of raw materials, machining, plating, painting, finishing, testing and fulfilment.
The company manufactures a wide range of products for the energy, automotive, medical, aerospace, transport and industrial sectors.
Whilst the company was trading well, with a solid order book, the rising energy costs were putting financial pressure on the business. CBE+ is also committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions and was looking for a solution that would also help with their environmental credentials.
We were approached by the company to evaluate their problems and propose a solution, which would meet their financial and broader company objectives. The result was the design and installation of a combined heat and power system.
At the heart of the system is a V12 engine that can be powered by natural gas or biogas, which runs almost silently, that is 91% efficient. The combined heat and power system provides all the electricity the company requires and the ‘waste’ heat from the production of electricity is used to provide heating and hot water across the site.
The investment in CHP was paid back within a few months.